Hot Forging Automatic Production Line

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Hot Forging Automatic Production Line

Price: 0.00

Hot Forging Automatic Production Line

Manipulator  Introduce

Easy operation : Controlled by buttons, adjust the manipulator movement on the touch screen, no need to remove the jaws when changing the mold;

Multiple functions : There is a single punch action, that is, the punch press produces one finished product every 2 times, which is suitable for producing larger products. It can move the manipulator first and then the punch. It can produce products with a height of about 55. With alarm function, some faults can be alarmed and stopped equipment; 

Less failures and easy maintenance: The core parts are purchased parts (see the list for details), with long service life and low failure rate. There is a fault prompt function, the cause of the fault is easy to detect, and the maintenance is convenient.